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Alcohol (Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol)

Street names 

Booze, Tipple, Tot, Nip, Bevy,

General Info

Alcohol is produced by fermenting fruits, vegetables or grain. Alcohol is widely used in Wales and has become part of the Welsh culture. It is absorbed into the bloodstream within 5-10 minutes and the effects can start quickly. Alcoholic drinks contain Ethanol. Ethanol is a solvent used in paints, perfumes, colognes, marker pens and deodorants. It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to a child under 5 except under medical supervision in an emergency. Children under 16 can enter a public house as long as they are supervised by an adult (18 and over). Young people aged 16 or 17 can drink beer, wine or cider with a meal if it is bought by an adult and they are accompanied by an adult. It is illegal to sell alcohol to under 18s. Alcohol comes in different strengths and is measured as a percentage by volume. The higher the percentage the stronger the drink will be.


  • Immediate effects are dependent upon amount consumed, age, gender and physical build
  • Alcohol will often exaggerate whatever mood someone is in when they start drinking
  • Just enough can make you feel great but drink too much and it is all over
  • Short-term, users feel relaxed with lowered inhibitions and alcohol affects reaction times and decision making
  • Heavier use of alcohol can lead to emotional highs and lows, uncoordinated movement, blackouts, and unconsciousness
  • Too much alcohol can leave you with a hangover (the after effects of alcohol) and you can feel ill for a day or two.


  • Alcohol can cause a person to feel out of control – like slurring words, losing balance and vomiting
  • Accidents – due to impaired judgement
  • Suffocation from inhaling vomit when unconscious
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Addiction
  • Damage to  organs including the liver the brain and the stomach
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Uncontrollable shaking (Delirium Tremens – known as ‘the DT’s’ or ‘the shakes’)
  • Alcohol can make people become violent
  • Serious overindulgence can lead to alcohol poisoning which can lead to coma or death.



 It is illegal to sell alcohol to under 18s