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Agored Cymru Accredited Entry, Level 1 and 2 KS3 Qualification

We have developed a KS3 level 2 (GCSE grade C equivalent) level 1 and Entry Three level accredited unit of 10 lessons with Agored Cymru. The lessons focus on alcohol misuse, possession and supply of illegal drugs, ASB, Internet safety and domestic abuse.  As part of the 10 lesson unit, pupils receive 5 lessons delivered by a Schools Police Officer, supported by 5 lessons delivered by the class teacher. [Full details]

Agored Cymru Accredited Entry, Level 1 and 2 KS4 Qualification

We have developed a KS4 level 2 (GCSE grade C equivalent) level 1 and Entry level accredited unit of 10 lessons with Agored Cymru. The lessons focus on substance misuse, alcohol misuse, sexual consent, child exploitation and car crime. As part of the 10 lesson unit, pupils receive 5 lessons delivered by a Schools Police Officer, supported by 5 lessons delivered by the class teacher. [Full details]